My New Year Post: Twenty Sixteen

Apparently I have a lot to talk about when it comes to the turnover of 2015 to 2016. First, I wrote about looking back on 2015 through Instagram photos, and then I compiled a super meta recap of recap articles to help store some of the good stuff that I found at the end of the year. Now I'm ready to look forward with some goals and things that excite me when I think about what is in store. Nothing here is groundbreaking or revolutionary, but I suspect it will be fun to look back on this post and laugh about how expectations and reality did not align. 

In spite of the fact that expectations and reality probably won't align, I still have a couple of simple goals: 

  1. Establish an easy morning routine. This article and this one are good reminders of why this is important. 
  2. Take advantage of my flexible schedule. After leaving Deloitte I was excited to get set up and spend more time in my home and community. I loved creating a home office and connecting with local communities, but now I'm ready to take advantage of the "work from anywhere" mindset to visit family and friends when possible. 
  3. Stop looking at my phone in bed at night. Because it could be killing me? Also because duh. 

As for things I am excited about, here is a picture of my chalkboard wall, where I mind-mapped some of the biggest ones and left room to add more: 

I really want to get a puppy this year. Also, my friend Jill needs to go to North Dakota to have checked off every one of the 50 states from places she has visited. I definitely want to be a part of that milestone! 

I really want to get a puppy this year. Also, my friend Jill needs to go to North Dakota to have checked off every one of the 50 states from places she has visited. I definitely want to be a part of that milestone! 

Lastly, I sketched out this visualization in an attempt to show how some key activities in my life are moving in a similar direction, where nothing is strictly business or pleasure, and I'm enjoying my work with a smaller group of people that I love. 

Now that I'm looking at it, I think that B isn't quite right. My Instagram audience is growing, so the slope of that line should be flat, or even positive. Oh well :) 

Now that I'm looking at it, I think that B isn't quite right. My Instagram audience is growing, so the slope of that line should be flat, or even positive. Oh well :) 

That's all I've got. Should be a good year! Anyone else have similar goals? What are you excited about this year?